Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Growing Movement

Nicola Pisano's Pulpit in the Pisa Baptistery
As the Proto-Renaissance era continues, we are introduced to some key artist who play a huge role in jump starting the Renaissance movement. The characteristics of Renaissance art are the evocation of ideals of classical antiquity, direct observation of nature, application of scientific perspective and reconciliation of pagan and christian traditions. We start with Nicola Pisano, an artist who built a pulpit in the Pisa Baptistery. He was one who started to change some old styles and do things a little differently. Such as writing your name and declaring yourself the best sculptor of your time, which Nicola Pisano did and was uncommon at the time. He also sculpted a male nude who might be Hercules, Daniel or Fortinado, during this time male nudity was from classical antiquity and was pretty much forgotten. He also made Corinthian capitals and that was an old Greek feature as well .On this Curara Marble pulpit he made figures of Christian virtues and profits of the old testament and also has the events of the life of Christ. His pulpit was considered more realistic than other art that was made during that time. Other Artists such as Coppo Di Marcovaldo, Cimabue and Giotto started to slowly create art that was more realistic, relatively speaking for that time period. They also showed the growing importance of the Virgin Mary.

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